F lU
Number of births printed 334
Number of marriages printed . . 712 x 2=1,424 names Number of deaths printed 302
Burr Printing Company Bangor, Maine
February 18, 1801, town formed from parts of Greenwich, Hardwick, and Petersham.
February 12, 1803, bounds between Dana and Petersham established.
June 19, 1811, bounds between Dana and Greenwich established.
February 4, 1842, parts of Hardwick and Petersham annexed.
April 10, 1882, bounds between Dana and Petersham estabHshed.
May 4, 1911, bounds between Dana and Greenwich established.
Population by Census: —
1810 (U. S.), 625 |
; 1880 (U. S.), 736 |
1820 (U. S.), 664 |
1885 (State), 695 |
1830 (U. S.), 623 |
; 1890 (U.S.), 700 |
1840 (U.S.), 691 |
1895 (State), 717 |
1850 (U.S.), 842 |
1900 (U.S.), 790 |
1855 (State), 824 |
; 1905 (State), 763 |
1860 (U.S.), 876, |
1910 (U.S.), 736 |
1865 (State), 789 |
; 1915 (State), 712 |
1870 (U. S.), 758 |
1920 (U.S.), 599 |
1875 (State), 760 |
1925 (State), 657 |
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1. When places other than Dana dr Massachusetts are named in the original records they are given in the printed text.
2. In all items from the records the original spelling of the name is given, and any additions made to the spelling of the record are enclosed in brackets.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings.
4. The birth of a married woman is recorded under her maiden name, when it is known, but if the maiden name is unknown the entry appears under the husband's name with a
dash enclosed in brackets, i. e., [ ], to signify that the
maiden name is not known.
5. The town has no record of births and deaths prior to 1843. Dates of births and deaths previous to that time are taken from the gravestones in the town and are the actual dates as given on the stones. It is not to be inferred that the persons whose births are thus given were all born in this town, as in a great many cases they were not. In taking records from gravestones it is often the case that the family name of a woman as given on the stone is not that under which she was born, therefore many births may appear under a married name instead of the original, which is not shown on the stone. In some cases names are evidently those of wives, though not so specified.
6. Marriages and intentions are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and intention are recorded, only the marriage record is printed, and the date of the intention is not given, except when needed to make more clear the date of the marriage. When the marriage appears without the intention recorded it is designated with an asterisk.
7. Additional information which does not appear in the original town record, i. e., any difference shown in other records of the same person, is enclosed in parentheses, with the source of the information indicated.
a. — age, aged
h. — born
ch. — child
d. — daughter, died, day
Dea. — deacon
dec. — deceased
dup. — duplicate entry
G.R.I. — grave record, Dana Centre Cemetery
G.R.2. — grave record, Brown's Cemetery
G.R.3. — grave record, Storrsville Cemetery
G.R.4. — grave record, Marvel Cemetery
G.R.5. — grave record, Whitney Cemetery
G.R.6. — grave record. Fluff Cemetery
G.R.7. — grave record. Town Cemetery
G.R.8. — grave record. Old Cemetery near Doubleday's, North
Dana G.R.9. — grave record. Pine Grove Cemetery, North Dana G.R.IO. — grave record, from grave near depot h. — husband, hours inf. — infant
int — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior md. — married m. — month proh. — probably s. — son Sr. — senior unm. — unmarried w. — wife, weeks md. — widow mdr. — widower y. — year
To THE Year 1850.
ALBEE, Marenda E., , 1848. g.r.9.
ALDRICH, Ann Eliza, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 11, 1845.
Mary Jane, d. of Thomas and Abigail, May 14, 1843. Thomas Warren, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Jan. 27, 1847.
AMSDEN, Albert, Nov. 11, 1812. g.r.9.
Alexander W., , 1831. g.r.9.
Edwin, , 1833. g.r.2.
EUen M. Tolman [ ], w. of Alexander W., , 1835.
Fanny Louisa, d. of Albert and Lucelia, Jan. 12, 1849.
Julia M. [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1835. g.r.2.
Lauriston, , 1815. g.r.9.
Lucelia W., w. of Albert, May 29, 1820. g.r.9.
Lucretia A. [ ], w. of Daniel R., , 1831. g.r.9.
Nancy [ ], w. of Lauriston, , 1812. g.r.9.
BANCROFT, EKzabeth [ ], w. of George C, May 25,
1814. G.R.I.
BERCHAM (see Burcham), Grace, d. of Joseph and Melissa, Apr. 17, 1845.
BERRY, Clara A. Haskall, [ ], w. of Charles L., ,
1846. G.R.9.
BIXBY, Albert, , 1835. g.r.9.
Fannie V., , 1846. g.r.9.
BLACKMER, , s. of Solomon and Cyntha, Apr. 27, 1844.
Charles, s. of Hosea and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1844. George Nelson, s. of Solomon and C3mthia, Aug. 16, 1845. Lewis W., s. of Solomon and Cynthia, Apr. 27, 1847. Sarah Jane, d. of Hosea and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1846.
BOSWORTH, Adelaide, d. of Albert and Susannah, Feb. 5,
1844. Edward, s. of Albert and Susannah, May 14, 1846.
BOWLBY, Hope E., , 1845. g.r.9.
BRAMAN, James Franklin, s. of George G. and Caroline, Dec. 19, 1845.
BROOKS, Clarissa, d. of Erastus and Eliza A., Sept. 16, 1843.
BROWN, James, s. of James S. and Elvira, Mar. 31, 1845.
Priscilla F. [ ], w. of Seth F., , 1840. g.r.2.
Sarah Caroline, d. of James S. and Elvira, Dec. 7, 1846. Seth F., , 1835. g.r.2.
BURCHAM (see Bercham), , s. of Joseph and Ann of
Greenwich Village, Feb. 9, 1847. StiUborn.
BUTTERFIELD, Abby Louisa, d. of Benjamin and Mary, May 9, 1845.
CHAMBERLIN, Adelaide E. [ ], w. ofi J. Freeman and
formerly w. of W. E. Goodman, , 1842. g.r.9.
Augusta M. [ ], w. of Levi N., , 1849. g.r.1.
Ellen Maria Amsden [ ], w. of George Warren, , 1835.
George Warren, , 1834. g.r.9.
J. Freeman, , 1826. g.r.9.
James F., s. of James S. and Julia A., Feb. 4, 1844.
Levi N., s. of Ira and Permelia, July 6, 1843.
Ophelia Maria Augusta, d. of James S. and Julia A., June 14,
1846. Susannah, d. of William and Roxanna, June 16, 1845.
CHARLES, , s. of Goliah and Lucia, Apr. 17, 1845.
Maria (Mary dup.), Jane, d. of Goliah and Lucia, Aug. 6, 1846. Martha Jane, d. of Goliah and Lucia. Date not known.
CHIPMAN, Edgar Marcello, s. of Cyrus, June 9, 1845.
CLARK, Henry, , 1844. g.r.1.
CLEVELAND, — , d. of Charles R. and Eunice, Feb. 25,
1847. Eunice C, d. of Charles R. and Eunice S., Apr. 14, 1845.
COMEE, Arbella W., [ ], w. of Ezra, Apr. 11, 1822.
Edgar Franklin, s. of Cha[rle]s and Samantha, Mar. 15, 1849. Edward W., s. of Wilson and Maria, June 27, 1844. Ezra, Oct. 21, 1823. g.r.1.
CoMEE, Franklin, , 1827. g.r.1.
Frederick Town, s. of Thomas W. and Lydia, Oct. 1, 1846.
Lucinda, , 1831. g.r.1.
Maria, d. of Thomas W. and Lydia, Nov. 24, 1825. g.r.1. Maria Sibley [ ], w. of Wilson, , 1822. g.r.1.
COMERFORD, Moses C, s. of Peter and Mary, May 28, 1847.
CROSBY, Flora A. Shippee, June 20, 1849. g.r.9.
CUMMINGS, Benjamin, , 1848. g.r.1.
Mary S. [ ], w. of Benjamin, , 1847. g.r.1.
CURRIER, Benj[amin] F., s. of Benj[amin] and , Feb. 3,
. 1847.
DOANE, Albert W., s. of Isaac and Mary, Dec. 4, 1844.
Charles N., , 1830. g.r.9.
George Wood, , 1827. g.r.1.
Lewis, s. of Austin and Hannah V., Mar. 8, 1844.
Mary Elizabeth Shattuck [ ], w. of George Wood, ,
1828. G.R.1.
DOUBLEDAY, , s. of Cyrus and Celinda, Mar. 13, 1846'
Cyrus Whipple, s. of Cyrus and Cehnda, Mar. 16, 1847. Elbridge Gerry, s. of Gerry and Susannah, Sept. 21, 1846.
EUza, , 1840. g.r.9.
Jason, Dec. 7, 1802. g.r.1.
Joseph E., , 1838. g.r.9.
Julia M. [ ], w. of Joseph E., , 1843. g.r.9.
Lucius, , 1828. g.r,9.
Lucy Ann, d. of Jason and Melinda, Sept. 3, 1844.
Mehnda Emmons [ ], w. of Jason, June 21, 1810. g.r.1.
Orrington Francis, s. of Orrington N. and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1846.
Ruth Ellen, , 1835. g.r.9.
Sarah Jane, d. of George and Susannah, Mar. 3, 1849.
ELLIS, , d. of Asa and Larinda, Nov. 4, 1845.
Asa F., , 1817. g.r.2.
Clara Kate, d. of Asa F. and Cerinda, Sept. 19, 1847.
EMMONS, Lucy, Jan. 11, 1805. g.r.1.
ESTEY, Eleazar N., Dea., , 1827. g.r.9.
Phedora R. Sibley [ ], w. of Dea. Eleazar N., , 1836.
FALES, ; ch. of Daniel M. and Harriet N., Dec. 15, 1843.
FARNSWORTH, Dexter Boylston, s. of John H. and Sarah,
Apr. 12, 1849. Jacob, s. of John H. and Sarah E., Nov. 21, 1845.
FLAGG, Alonzo, Oct. 21, 1820. g.r.1. Emma V., July 12, 1849. g.r.1. Frederick A., June 3, 1847. g.r.1.
Hannah N. [ ], w. of Alonzo, Feb. 17, 1825. g.r.1.
Luthera Florentine, d. of Alonzo and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1845.
FOLEY, Georgiana Lydiann Ostello, d. of Peter and Mary, Jan. 29, 1846.
FORBES, Daniel H., Aug. 6, 1806. g.r.9.
Daniel W., Apr. 5, 1840. g.r.9.
Mary A. Fry [ ], w. of Daniel H., Feb. 16, 1810. g.r. 9.
FREEMAN, Delia, d. of Mason and Sally, Oct. 3, 1844.
FRY, Harriet Maria, d. of Washington and Susan, Nov. 12,
GIBBS, Helen P., , 1845. g.r.9.
Henry M., , 1848. g.r.9.
Mary Jane Stone [ ], w. of Geo[rge] T. , 1844. g.r.9.
Philena P., , 1817. g.r.9.
William, , 1821. g.r.9.
GIDDINGS, Frances Mary, d. of Lyman and Alice, Oct. 31,
1846. George Lyman, s. of Lyman of Boston and Alice, Mar. 16, 1847.
GLEASON, Alexander Williams, s. of Alexander W. and
Clarissa, Nov. 23, 1846. Augusta, d. of Charles A. and Philura, Nov. 13, 1843. George Edward, s. of Cha[rle]s F. and Amanda, Apr. 11, 1849. John, Feb. 25, 1785. g.r.9.
Louisa L., d. of John and Luthera Allen, Feb. 9, 1831. g.r.9. Lucius A., s. of Cha[rle]s A. and Philura, Jan. 13, 1849. Luthera Allen [ ], w. of John, Apr. 12, 1795. g.r.9.
GOODMAN, Mary, , 1835. g.r.9.
Orange H., s. of Allen and Nancy, July 1, 1844. Sarah Viola, d. of Allen and Nancy, Dec. 22, 1847.
GORHAM, Eliza, d. of Lafaett and Lucinda, Dec. 21, 1845. Hannah E., d. of Lafayette and Lucinda, June 24, 1843.
GREENLEAF, Emma L., , 1849. g.r.1.
Ezra L., , 1828. g.r.1.
Roxana [ ], w. of Ezra L., , 1822. g.r.1.
HALE, Corlista A. [ ], w. of Dexter, , 1827. g.r.9.
Dexter, , 1826. g.r.9.
Edward Augustus, s. of Lorenzo and Sally, Apr. 2, 1849. Ellen M., d. of Lorenzo and Saley, Dec. 2, 1845. Henry S., s. of Warren and Rhoda, July 15, 1844. Martha J. [ ], w. of Charles M., , 1845. g.r.9.
HAMMOND, Stephen H., , 1835. g.r.9.
HASKELL, Charles H., , 1814. g.r.9.
Mary L. Harris [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1824. g.r.9.
HOLT, Tirzah [ ], w. of William, Aug. 13, 1815. g.r.9.
William, July 6, 1810. g.r.9.
HORR, Ama, d. of Calvin and Louis, June 20, 1845.
Edwin J., , 1844. g.r.9.
Elizabeth, d. of WilHam and Nancy, Aug. 27, 1847.
HUNTLEY, David R., , 1839. g.r.9.
JOHNSON, Augusta Maria, d. of Joel and Abigail, Mar. 17, 1849.
Cyrus, , 1820. g.r.1.
Eliza French [ ], w. of Gardner Nye, , 1829. g.r.1.
Emilia Ann Helen, d. of Theodore W. and Emily, Apr. 24, 1846. Emma Frances, d. of George T. and Eunice, Sept. 28, 1846. Frances A., d. of Livy J. and Sarah F., Oct. 24, 1841. g.r.1.
Gardner Nye, , 1824. g.r.1.
Livy J., Apr. 2, 1813. g.r.1.
Mary E. [ ],w. of Gardner L., , 1849. g.r.2.
N. Maria [ ], w. of Cyrus, , 1826. g.r.1.
Sarah F. [ ], w. of Livy J., Oct. 13, 1815. g.r.1.
Silas, s. of Theodore W. and Emily P., July 1, 1843. William Gordon, s. of G. T. and Eunice, July 10, 1847.
JOSLYN, Abigail W., , 1819. g.r.1.
Clark, , 1807. g.r.1.
Eunice A. Rogers Terry [ ], w. of Clark, , 1820.
Hannah A., d. of Peter A. and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1845. Virona, , 1824. g.r.1.
JOYLE, Hannah D., d. of Hiram and Clarinda, Oct. 25, 1843.
KENDALL, George A., , 1831. g.r.9.
Lucy F. Wallace [ ], w. of George A., , 1833. g.r.9.
KING, Alfred, s. of John and Mary, Dec. 7, 1846.
KNAPP, Clarissa [ ], w. of Geo[rge] W., , 1792.
Geo[rge] W., , 1799. g.r.9.
M. T., , 1840. G.R.9.
KNIGHT, Rebecca J., Mar. 27, 1836. g.r.9.
LINCOLN, Harriet A., [ ], w. of Leonard, May 2, 1823.
Leonard, Feb. 7, 1822. g.r.9.
Levi Thomas, s. of Thomas and Lucy, Jan. 31, 1846.
Sarah E. [ ], w. of Joseph D., , 1841. g.r.1.
W[illia]m B., , 1831. g.r.9.
LINDSEY, Abagail E., d. of Richard B. and Abagail, May 22, 1844.
Abigail J. [ ], w. of Richard B., Nov. 18, 1820. g.r.9.
Charles, , 1828. g.r.9.
Chloe Vaughan [ ], w. of Dr. Daniel, , 1799. g.r.9.
Daniel Dr., , 1794. g.r.9.
Francis Hale, s. of Silas and Mary, Dec. 29, 1847.
Horace D., , 1842. g.r.9.
Martha A. [ ], w. of Charles, , 1828. g.r.9.
Rosella, d. of Richard and Abigail, June 2, 1847.
LOCKE, Putman Webster, s. of Rev. John J. and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1847.
MEACHAM, Hervey B., s. of Hiram A. and Fiducia, Aug. 22,
1845. Joseph Mary, s. of H. A. and Phiducia, Aug. 19, 1847.
MERRIAM, Carrie A. [ ], w. of John Q. A., , 1843.
G R 2
John Q. A., , 1838. g.r.2.
MERRITT, Elbridge Whitney, Rev., , 1828. g.r.2.
Eliza J. Strong [ ], w. of Rev. Elbridge Whitney, ,
1834. G.R.2.
MILLER, Louisa Rozella, d. of Clark and Mary, Aug. 14,
1846. Mary Eudora, d. of Clark and Mary, Aug. 9, 1847.
MORGAN, J. Clara [ ], w. of Joseph W., , 1830.
Clementine Titus [ ], w. of Joseph W., , 1818.
G R 9
Joseph W., , 1822. g.r.9.
NEWTON, Levi, Oct. 21, 1830. g.r.9.
OAKES, Oliver Stacy, , 1837. g.r.9.
OSGOOD, Harriet N., d. of Isaac and Mary, Nov. 21, 1843.
PECKHAM, , s. of Archabald and Mehitable, Nov. 7,
1846. Stillborn. Emory, s. of Archable and Penmit S., Dec. 9, 1843.
Frank M., , 1839. g.r.9.
Lewis Emerson, s. of Lewis and Eliza, Sept. 3, 1846.
PIKE, Sarah Lombard Doane, , 1779. g.r.1.
POWERS, Ellen A. Albee [ ], w. of Orrin J., , 1839.
g.r.9. Orrin J., , 1836. g.r.9.
PRIEST, George Emerson, s. of Henry and Miranda, June 7, 1845.
RANDALL, Charles, , 1808. g.r.2.
Luthera, , 1820. g.r.2.
RICHARDS, Calvin W., Dec. 19, 1812. .g.r.9.
Caroline F., , 1824. g.r.1.
David L., June 24, 1824. g.r.9.
Richards, Eunice M. Horton [ ], w. of David L., Jan. 12,
1827. G.R.9. Harriet Eliza, d. of Calvin and Harriet, Dec. 30, 1847. Harriet M. [ ], w. of Calvin W., Aug. 1, 1823. g.r.9.
RICHARDSON, Caroline Chapman [ ], w. of Samuel
Hale, Dec. 10, 1811. g.r.1. Samuel Hale, Dec. 16, 1811. g.r.1.
ROBBINS, Arthur Wellington, s. of Elmer C. and Eucla,
May 5, 1846. Clara Jane, d. of E. C. and Eucla, Jan. 7, 1849.
Emma, , 1849. g.r.1.
Sophronia Richardson [ ], w. of Washington, , 1826.
Washington, , 1821. g.r.1.
SAWYER, Elijah H., , 1819. g.r.1.
Sophia E. Blackmer [ ], w. of Elijah H., , 1819.
SHATTUCK, Charles J., Dec. 6, 1821. g.r.9.
Esther M. [ ], w. of Charles J. Oct. 2, 1823. g.r.9.
SHIPPEE, Jane R. Donelson [ ], w. of Jesse, May 26,
1822. G.R.9. Jesse, Mar. 6, 1812. g.r.9.
SHORT, , s. of Cornelius and Lucina, Mar. 12, 1846.
SHUMWAY, Rufus Torrey, s. of Zemira F. and Rhoda, Oct. 2, 1846.
SMITH, Warren, s. of W[inia]m and Elmina, May 24, 1843. WilHam, , 1808. g.r.1.
SPRAGUE, Elbridge G., , 1830. g.r.9.
Ellen, , 1836. g.r.9.
Loring, , 1792. g.r.9.
STEVENS, E. A., , 1836. g.r.9.
STIMPSON, Alfred, s. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 2, 1845.
George, s. of Thomas and Harriet, , 1823. g.r.1.
N. Marcena, s. of Thomas and Harriet, , 1836. g.r.1.
Nelson, s. of Thomas and Harriet, , 1826. g.r.1.
Warren, Apr. 26, 1825. g.r.9.
STONE, Abagail, d. of Elnathan and Maria, Oct. 8, 1844. Ann Maria, d. of Elnathan and Maria, Dec. 29, 1846. Boadicea Sibley [ ], w. of Elbridge G., Apr. 15,1818.
Cordelia A., d. of Elbridp;e G. and Boadecia, Sept. 27, 1844. Elbridge G., Mar. 16, 1816. g.r.1.
Elizabeth J. [ ], w. of Hosea E., , 1846. g.r.1.
Fannie [ ], w. of Hosea E., , 1827. g.r.1.
Franklin Algernon, s. of Algenon S. and Palena, Apr. 28, 1849.
Frederick T., , 1830. g.r.1.
George W., , 1826. g.r,9.
Henry C., s. of Algernon S. and Plena, Dec. 6, 1844.
Henry K., , 1826. g.r.1.
Hosea, , 1803. g.r.1.
Hosea E., , 1827. g.r.1.
Jane Melvina, d. of Elbridge and Boadecia, Nov. 10, 1846. John Gleason, s. of Jonathan E. and Mary, July 12, 1845.
Nancy A., , 1834. g.r.1.
Permelia [ ], w. of Hosea, — — , 1802. g.r.1.
Sarah J., d. of Forbes and Sarah J., Aug. 31, 1844. (w. of Horace
D. Lindsey. g.r.9). Seth J., Oct. 1, 1837. g.r.1.
Sophronia [ ], w. of Paul M., , 1806. g.r.1.
Timothy, , 1811. g.r.2.
Varilla Woods [ ], w. of Timothy, , 1816. g.r.2.
Walter Elias, s. of Jona E. and Mary, Aug. 1, 1847.
STREETER, Geo[rge] H. Rev., , 1830. g.r.9.
Mary E. [ ], w. of Rev. Geo[rge] A., , 1833. g.r.9.
STURTEVANT, Thaddeus H., , 1840. g.r.9.
TAMPLIN, Mary, June 28, 1828. g.r.1.
TAYLOR, Edward, s. of Dr. Oliver B. and Sophia H., Jan. 25, 1847.
THAYER, E. Jane Converse [ ], w. of Joel W., July 10,
1829. G.R.1. Joel W., May 7, 1820. g.r.1.
Julien H., , 1848. g.r.1.
Maryette [ ], w. of Julien H., , 1847. g.r.1.
Melvin G., , 1831. g.r.1.
Orestes, s. of Hosea and Sally, Feb. 23, 1845.
THOMPSON, Clara A., , 1846. g.r.9.
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TOLMAN, , s. of John, Jr. and Jane, Mar. 10, 1844.
Stillborn. Celia Anora, d. of John C. and Jane, June 7, 1847. Charles Albert, s. of W[illia]m H. and Sophia, Feb. 1, 1849. Elizabeth, d. of Dexter and Elenor, Jan. 29, 1849. George Allen, s. of William and Sophia, Oct. 2, 1846. Martha D., d. of William H. and Sophia S., Oct. 22, 1844. Morcas Morton, s. of Hosea and Mary, Mar. 19, 1844. Sarah J., d. of John C. and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1845. Sheridan Dwight, s. of Dexter and Eunice, Jan. 17, 1847.
Sophia S. [ ], w. of William H., , 1819. g.r.1.
William H., , 1814. g.r.1.
TOWN (see Towne), Amanda Orissa, d. of Ichabod and Amanda, Aug. 31, 1846. (w. of Edwin J. Horr. g.r.9). Charles A., s. of Ichabod and Amanda, Oct. 3, 1843. Ella Ursula, d. of Lyman and Ursula, Oct. 22, 1847. Ichabod Fayette, s. of Ichabod and Amanda, Apr. 20, 1849. Nathan O., s. of Orson and Mary W., Apr. 8, 1845.
TOWNE (see Town), Ursula Skinner [ 1 w. of T.
Lyman, Oct. 18, 1822. g.r.1.
TWICHELL, Francis Marshall, s. of David M. and Samantha, Mar. 19, 1845.
TYLER, Almira Bishop [ ], w. of Henry C, , 1837.
Henry C, , 1833. g.r.9.
UPTON, Henry S., , 1846. g.r.9.
Mary E. [ ], w. of Henry S., , 1845. g.r.9.
VAUGHN, Nathan Dwight, s. of Nathan and Arzuba, Dec. 17, 1845.
VINING, , s. of Dr. D. T. and Emily, Nov. 10, 1849.
WAIT (see Waite), John Hobart, s. of Luke and Elizabeth, May 21, 1846.
WAITE (see Wait), Charles Joseph, s. of Luke and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1849.
WARDEN, Charles Elliot, s. of Gilbert and Mary, Feb. 13, 1849.
WEAVER, Liithera B., d. of Benj[amin] T. and Sarah H., ,
1837. G.R.9.
WEEKS, Erastus, , 1838. g.r.9.
WEST, George S., s. of Lorenzo and Mary, Nov. 11, 1843.
WfflPPLE, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Ephraim, Mar. 25, 1793.
Ephraim, Esq., Jan. 15, 1781. g.r.1.
WHITNEY, Ella Frances, d. of John F. and Sophia, Sept. 19,
1847. John Franklin, s. of Washington W. and Prudence, Oct. 29,
1847. Oliver, s. of Flint and Sophia, Mar. 15, 1844.
WILLIAMS, Celia Adelaide, d. of Jason and Malinda, Dec. 18,
1845. Dwight Seth, s. of Seth D. and Delucia, Aug. 4, 1846.
Edgar E., , 1847. g.r.9.
Mary, d. of Seth and Azulah, June 13, 1787. g.r.6.
Mary J., , 1818. g.r.1.
Paul, , 1798. g.r.1.
Sarah V. Goodman [ ], w. of Edgar E., , 1848. g.r.9.
WITT, Albert, s. of Justus and Harriet, Apr. 3, 1845.
Ira, — , 1836. g.r.9.
Jairus, 8, —23, — , 1805. g.r.9.
Lydia C, — , 1834. g.r.1.
Mary, 12, —25, — , 1805. g.r.9.
Mary Jane, d. of Jairus and Mary, Sept. 14, 1844.
Sally, 4, —30, — , 1768. g.r.9.
Sophronia E. [ — ], w. of Ira, — , 1844. g.r.9.
Stephen 8, —15, — , 1754. g.r.9.
Sumner, s. of Jairus and Mary, — , 1845.
Warren, — , 1830. g.r.1.
WOOD (see Woods), Alice R. Marsh, [— ], w. of Liberty,
, 1822. G.R.1.
C. A. Nora [ ], w. of Horace T., 1849. g.r.1.
Horace T., , 1848. g.r.1.
Liberty, , 1813. g.r.1.
WOODS (see Wood), Anna, d. of O. F. and Ann, July 15, 1843.
Justus, June 13, 1783. g.r.2.
Lucretia Amsden [ ], w. of Justus, Nov. 7, 1787. g.r.2.
WOODWARD, Frances Maria, d. of Elias and Frances, Aug. 30, 1846.
To THE Year 1850.
ABBOT, James of Brookfield, and Azubah Ruggles of Hard wick, Apr. 11, 1833.*
ALDEN Festus and Fanny N. Gibbs, Apr. 28, 1831.
ALDRICH, Dexter of Athol, and Stone. [No date.
Registered in 1849.]* Phebe of Smithfield, R. I., and Elisha Sibley, Feb. 20, 1821.
ALEN (see Allen), Mary and John King (of Whitehall, N. Y., int.), Feb. 18, 1812.
ALLEN (see Alen), Abigail of Greenwich and Jacob Park- hurst, May 22, 1814. Azubah W. and James Stone, Feb. 25, 1821.
AMSDEN, Ann and Adin Witt, Feb. 6, 1828.
Anny and Amos Briggs, Jr., Feb. 23, 1802.
Bezaleel, (Jr., int.), and Hannah Babbit, May 28, 1801.
Burril and Abigail Town, 3rd, Nov. 25, 1813.
Clarissa, d. of Burrell and Mary, and Elbridge Sibley, s. of
David and Caroline, Nov. 18, 1844.* Daniel H. and Anne L. Peckham of Petersham, int., June 6,
1814. Ebenezar and Lucy Williams, Nov. 6, 1806. Harriet and Justus Witt, July 20, 1828.
Jacob, Jr. and Lyndia Hoskins, (Haskins, int.), Sept. 13, 1812. Joel, Maj. and Abigail Rangor of Greenwich, int., Feb. 17, 1807. Lucretia and Justus Woods, Sept. 26, 1813. Lucy and Samuel Hinds of Ludlow, Jan. 10, 1826. Luther and Sarah Gibbs, (2d int. ), of New Salem, Apr. 19, 1818. Luthera and Lyman Johnson, Nov. 7, 1839. Lydia and Ahira Skinner, Dec. 16, 1821.
Mary and Benjamin Butterfield of Petersham, Mar. 28, 1839. Philura and Charles A. Gleason, Mar. 9, 1841. Polly, (Mary int.), and Ens Seth WiUiams, Dec. 9, 1817.
♦Intention not recorded .
Amsden, Robard and Abigail Rickey, Apr. 15, 1818. Sally and Clark Hendreth of Petersham, int., June 24, 1811. Sarah Ann and Alvin Tolman, int., Dec. 9, 1835. Seth W. and Fanny V. Doane, Mar. 22, 1840.
ANDREWS, Maria of Charlestown and Elhanan Tamplin,
int., Dec. 20, 1824. Olive and Nathaniel Covell, Oct. 29, 1820.
ATKINSON, Mary W. of Prescott, d. of John and Clarissa, b. in Prescott, a. 19 y., and Sumner R. Lindsey, s. of Samuel and Nancy, b. in New Salem, a. 20 y., Sept. 26, 1848.*
BABBIT, Hannah and Bezaleel Amsden, (Jr., int.). May 28,
1801. Jonathan, Jr. and Eliza Town, Dec. 31, 1838. Mary and Robert Emmons, int., May 13, 1802. Sewall of Barre, and Mary S. Babcock, int., Sept. 12, 1840.
BABCOCK, Mary S. and Sewall Babbitt of Barre, int., Sept.
12, 1840. Sewall of Petersham and Polly Sibley, int., Nov. 7, 1814.
BACON, Newell and Susan Thayer, both of Hardwick, Dec. 31, 1839.*
BAKER, Artemas of Barre, s. of Francis of Barre and Fanny, b. in Petersham, a. 32 y. and Lucina F. Woods, d. of Justus, dec. and Lucretia, a. 21 y. [No date. Registered Oct. 28, 1847].*
BANCROFT, George C. of Stockbridge and Betsey Richard- son, Jan. 4, 1837. Hannah and Jacob Rich of Warwick, Sept. 8, 1805. William, Jr. and Sally Briggs, N^ov. 22, 1814.
BARLOW, Mary of Hardwick and Oliver Harris, Jr., int. June 24, 1811.
BARNES, Chloeof Hardwick, and Stephen Hillman, int., Jan. 31, 1820.
BARR, Elijah and Patty Pratt of Shutesbury, int., May 20, 1803.
BARROWS, Harriot and (Ens., int.), Thomas Stimpson, Jr., Jan. 30, 1822.
♦Intention not recorded.
Barrows, Hiram, s. of Enoch and Mary, b. in Hardwick, a. 38 y. and Rebecca W. Jamerson of Hardwick, d. of Seth of Hardwick and Rebecca, b. in Hardwick, a. 28 y. [No date. Registered May 6, 1847.]*
Mary and Thomas Winslow of Barre, May 29, 1828.
BASSETT, Alvan and Nancy Richardson, both of Hardwick,
Oct. 14, 1828.* Benjamin and Nancy Johnson, both of Hardwick, Apr. 20, 1837.*
BECKEY, Tabitha of North Brookfield, and Paul Eager, Esq., int., Nov. 28, 1814.
BECKWITH, Ephraim A. of Lyme, Conn., and Ann Bedient, int., Mar. 29, 1819.
BEDIENT, Ann and Ephraim A. Beckwith of Lyme, Conn.,
int.. Mar. 29, 1819. Ann and Thomas Woodward, Apr. 23, 1821. Hannah and Reuben Sibley, May 24, 1812.
BELL, Moses and Lemira G. Hoskins, int., May 14, 1836.
BILLINGS, Eucl N. wid., d. of Weston and Mary Cooly, a.
26 y. and Elmer C. Robbins, widr., s. of Luke of Athol and
Martha, a. 26 y. Aug. 24, 1845.* William and Euila, (Euila Ann int.), Cooley, Mar. 1, 1838.
BLACKMER, Almira and William Smith of Petersham, int.,
Apr. 14, 1834. Elvira and Ephraim K. Frost of Peterborough, N. H., int.,
Dec. 28, 1835. Franklin, s. of Willard and Hannah, and Persis W. Stone of
Enfield, d. of Clark and Mary. [No date. Registered
July 19, 1847.]* Moses, Jr. of Greenwich, and Martha Gibbs, Nov. 24, 1825. Rebecca and Dudley Russell, May 12, 1813. Solomon, Jr. of Ware, and Harriot Stone, Sept. 26, 1827. Solomon and Cyntha Freeman, int., May 8, 1843. Sophia and Elisha Doubleday, Dec. 2, 1818. Warren and Exor Chamberlin, Aug. 28, 1809. Willard and Hannah Tollman, Dec. 20, 1813.
BOSWORTH (see Busworth), Gardner and Hannah Crowl of Petersham, Oct. 26, 1825.*
♦Intention not recorded.
BOTHEWELL, John of Oakham, and Betsey Haven, Nov. 26, 1818.
BRECK, Patty G. and Nathaniel J. Smith, May 5, 1814.
BRIGGS, Amos, Jr. and Anny Amsden, Feb. 23, 1802. Hannah of Petersham, and Stephen Wood, Nov. 25, 1807.* Hepzibah and Capt. Zuri WiUiams, Feb. 22, 1816. Sally and William Bancroft, Jr., Nov. 22, 1814.
BROWN, Ellen, wid. and Lyman Chamberlin, widr., Sept. 16,
1844.* James S. of Greenwich, and Elvira Johnson, int., Feb. 18, 1833.
BROWNING, Asaph of Petersham, and Mary Covell, d. of Philhp and Mary, Nov. 15, 1843.*
BRUCE, Lucina and Samuel Davis of Ware, Apr. 1, 1832. Sally, wid. and Ehsha Sibley, int. Mar. 17, 1828.
BRYANT, Calvin and Lurena Burt, int., Oct. 15, 1809. July and Isaac Gleson, July 29, 1806.
BURCHAM, Joseph, widr., s. of James and Hannah, a. 32 y. and Ann Davis, d. of Enoch and Esther, a. 36 y., July 14, 1845.*
BURDITT, Rachel of Prescott, and Benjamin Lincoln, Aug. 22, 1830.
BURR, Salmon and Azuba Thomas, int., July 20, 1809.
BURT, Lurena and Calvin Bryant, int., Oct. 15, 1809.
BUSWORTH (see Bosworth), Albert of Montgomery and Susanna M. Stone, int., Mar. 19, 1839.
BUTTERFIELD, Benjamin of Petersham, and Mary Amsden,
Mar. 28, 1839. Samuel of Greenwich, and Polly Harris, int., July 20, 1808.
BYHAM, Jonas and Polly Smith, Jan. 27, 1818.
CANNON, Sarah H. and William Chamberlain, June 13, 1819.
CARRUTH, Joseph of Barre, and Susan Johnson of Greenwich, Mar. 8, 1818.*
♦Intention not recorded.
CARTER, John and Sarah W. Stearns, both of Petersham, July 29, 1832.*
CHAMBERLAIN (see ChamberHn, Chamblain), Amasa of Petersham, and Sylvia Skmner, Nov. 11, 1818.
Ebenezer A. and Caroline M. Stone, Nov. 7, 1838.
Eliza M. of Petersham, and Jesse Rogers, int., Feb. 23, 1829.
EHzabeth R. and Benjamin B. Hicks of Barnard, Vt., int., May 2, 1835.
Ira and Susanna Stone, 2d, Dec. 12, 1813.
John and Hannah Clark of Petersham, int., Nov. 4, 1820.
Levi, (Jr., int.), and Nancy Woodward, Dec. 14, 1823.
Lyman Ens. and Celia Williams, Apr. 15, 1827.
Mehitable and Joseph Sprague of Athol, Sept. 6, 1819.
Melinda and Jason Williams, Dec. 23, 1827.
Nancy, 2d, of Petersham, and Ens. Zuri Williams, Feb. 24, 1814.
Ruth and Barnabas Mandell of Athol, int., July 12, 1819.
William and Sarah H. Cannon, June 13, 1819.
CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain, Chamblain), Alenor T.,
d. of Lyman and , and Dexter Tolman, s. of John
and , Mar. 27, 1846.*
Deborah and John Tolman, Oct. 10, 1805.
Exor and W^arren Blackmer, Aug. 28, 1809.
Joel of Petersham, and Hannah Foster, Nov. 28, 1815.
John, Jr. of Boston, and Jane Stone, Apr. 29, 1841.
Lyman, widr., and wid. Ellen Brown, Sept. 16, 1844.*
Ruth and John Smith of Petersham, July 25, 1821.
Sarah A. of New Salem, a. 25 y., and Charles N. Stimpson, a. 22 y. [No date. Registered Oct. 11, 1849.]*
WiUiam N. and Roxannah Covell, Apr. 19, 1837.
CHAMBLAIN (see Chamberlain, Chamberlin), John and Lucy
Hale, int., Nov. 3, 1804. Nabby and W[illia]m Tolman, int., July 30, 1804.
CHARLES, Goliah, widr. and Lucia Doubleday, d. of Elisha and , May 28, 1844.*
CHIPMAN, Caroline of Petersham and Samuel H. Richard- son, Mar. 31, 1836.
CLARK (see Clarke), Caroline and David Sibley, Mar. 23, 1819.
^Intention not recorded.
Clark, Eliza and Freeman S. Rogers, Oct. 7, 1827.
Fanny and William Stimpson, Mar. 27, 1823.
Hannah of Petersham, and John Chamberlain, int., Nov. 4,
1820. Jason of Chardon, O., and Betsy Forster, Mar. 5, 1818. Mary of Petersham, and Jairus Witt, int., Nov. 29, 1830.
CLARKE (see Clark), Harding of Petersham, and Hannah Wood, int., Feb. 15, 1818.
CLEAVELAND (see Cleveland), Asaph and Nancy H. Free- man both of Hardwick, Dec. 23, 1824.*
CLEMENTS, Josiah and Mahala B. Warden, Aug. 22, 1818. Josiah and Nancy Hager of New Salem, int., Dec. 27, 1828. Lorinda M. and William B. Whitney of Petersham, int., July 12, 1841.
CLEVELAND (see Cleaveland), Sarah G. of Barre, a. 20 y., and Cheney Stone, a. 22 y. [No date. Registered Dec. 14, 1849.]*
COMEE, Betsey and Rev. Joshua Flagg, late of Leominster, Dec. 30, 1802.
Charles, s. of Thomas W. and , and Samantha Richard- son, d. of Benj[amin] and Diama, Dec. 8, 1843.*
Ezra, s. of Thomas W. and , a. 21 y. and Arbela Whipple,
d. of Ephraim and Ehzabeth, a. 22 y., Nov. 10, 1844.*
Susanna and Barney Flagg of Barre, Feb. 23, 1813.
Thomas W. and Lydia Town, 2d, Nov. 8, 1818.
Wilson and Mariah Sibley, Sept. 28, 1841.
CON ANT, Luther, Lieut., of Barre, and Sally Sibley, int., July 28, 1816.
CONVARS, Jane F. of Hardwick, a. 21 y. and Joel Thayer, a. 28 y. [No date. Registered Oct. 20, 1849.]*
COOLEY, Euila (Euila Ann, int.), and William Billings,
Mar. 1, 1838. Mary W. and Francis Hastings of Weston, int.. May 13, 1833. Ruth of Greenwich, d. of Ezeriah and , b. in Greenwich,
a. 58 y. and Joshua Flagg, widr., s. of Josiah and Hannah,
b. in Worcester, a. 74 y. [No date. Registered Sept. 10, 1847.]*
♦Intention not recorded.
CooLEY, Western and Zcruiah W. Hunertonof West Springfield, int., Jan. 20, 1840.
COVELL, Eliza and John Town, 3d, May 10, 1818. Ephraim of Petersham, and Sarah Hows, June 24, 1821. Marv, d. of Phillip and Mary, and Asaph Browning of Peter- sham, Nov. 15, 1843.* Nathaniel and Olive Andrews, Oct. 29, 1820. Philip, Jr. and Nancy West of New Salem, int., Sept. 7, 1818. Roxannah and William N. Chamberlin, Apr. 19, 1837.
COX, Harriet, a. 32 y. and William Stimpson, widr., s. of Thomas, a. 47 y. [No date. Registered, Sept. 30, 1847.]*
CROWL, Hannah of Petersham, and Gardner Bosworth, Oct. 26, 1825.*
CURTIS, Abel and Betsy King, Aug. 29, 1819.
CUTTER, Olive Stebbins of Amherst, and Solomon Gibbs, Jr., int., Feb. 22, 1819.
DANFORTH, Abigail, (Abigail S., int.), and Warren White,
Sept. 14, 1828. George P. and Fillelia Rogers of Hard wick, int., Apr. 18, 1843. Nancy and Theodore N. Patterson, int., Apr. 5, 1842.
DAVID, Hannah and Capt. Levi David, both of Charlton,
Feb. 6, 1803. Levi, Capt. and Hannah David, both of Charlton, Feb. 6, 1803.
DAVIS, Ann, d. of Enoch and Esther, a. 36 y. and Joseph Burcham, widr., s. of James and Hannah, a. 32 y., July 14, 1845.*
Elvira and William Stone, Mar. 23, 1818.
Rachel and Jacob Robardson, both of Hardwick, June 26, 1836.*
Richard T. of New Braintree and Martha A. Woodis, Mar. 1, 1842.
Samuel of Ware, and Lucina Bruce, Apr. 1, 1832.
DEAN, Sally of Barre, and Capt. Hosea Thayer, int., Feb. 16, 1829.
DOANE, Aurelia, and Lucian B. Wilhams, Tuesdav, Nov. 26,
1839. Elkanah and Hannah Williams, Nov. 15, 1815. Elkanah and Adah Horr of Pelham, int.. May 8, 1843.
♦Intention not recorded.
DoANE, Fanny V. and Seth W. Amsden, Mar. 22, 1840.
George W., s. of Leonard and Harriet, a. 20 y., and M. Elizabeth Shattuck of Pepperell, d. of W[illia]m of Pepperell and Mary, a. 19 y. [No date. Registered July 31, 1847.]*
Isaac and Mary Stone, Mar. 29, 1829.
Joel and Livy P. Haskell of Thompson, Conn., int., Oct. 2, 1815.
Leonard of Petersham, and Harriet White, July 20, 1819.
DOUBLEDAY, Amanda and Ichabod Town, Jr., Mar. 27, 1831. Cyrus, s. of Joseph and , a. 35 y. and Selenda Whipple,
b. in Hardwick, d. of Moses and Sally, a. 30 y.. May 26,
1844.* Elisha and Sophia Blackmer, Dec. 2, 1818. Elizabeth and Ephraim Whipple, Apr. 24, 1817. Gerry, s. of Joseph and Lucy, a. 34 y., and Susannah Lincoln of
Greenwich, d. of Thomas of Greenwich and Sal[l]y, b. in
Greenwich, a. 28 y., Nov. 11, 1845.* Jason and Melinda Emmons, May 24, 1838. Joseph, Jr. and Letty Haskins, Dec. 12, 1819. Lucia, d. of Elisha and , and Goliah Charles, widr.,
May 28, 1844.* Lucy (Lucy W., int.), and Thomas Lincoln, Jr., of Greenwich,
Mar. 11, 1838. Nehemiah H., s. of Joseph and Letty, a. 24 y. and Abby E.
Town of Petersham, d. of Jona[than] of Petersham and
Abagail, a. 19 y. [No date. Registered in 1849.]*
EAGER, Paul, Esq. and Tabitha Beckey of North Brookfield,
int., Nov. 28, 1814. Tabitha and Benjamin Skinner, Aug. 18, 1824.
ELLIS, Gregory of Enfield, and Amanda A. Mellen of Green- wich, Sept. 30, 1834.* Maria and EJbridge Johnson (of Ware, int.), Feb. 11, 1828. Minerva D. and Henry G. Jackson of Ware, int., Nov. 15, 1842. Shepard and Electa Johnson, Oct. 3, 1822.
EMMONS, Elijah and Sybel Lombard of Prescott, int., Feb.
19, 1839. Mary, wid. and John Town, Dec. 22, 1829. Melinda and Jason Doubleday, May 24, 1838. Robert and Mary Babbit, int., May 13, 1802.
ESTABROOKS, Arathusa and David Whipple, both of Hardwick, Nov. 15,1836.*
♦Intention not recorded.
FALES, Cene B. and John P. Johnson, Jan. 11, 1837.
Ellis B. and Relief Tollman, Dec. 30, 1827.
Joseph of Troy, N. Y., and Harriet Hale, Mar. 3, 1841.
FELTON, Joseph and Deborah Forster, Dec. 30, 1819. Josiah D. and Relief Smith, Nov. 6, 1816. Louisa and Elijah Town, 2d, June 24, 1821.
FIELDS, Sarah H. of Wardsboro, Vt., d. of Elihu, dec. and
and John S. Haskins, s. of Thomas and Susan. [No date. Registered Aug. 20, 1847.]*
FISK, Rachel, wid. and Jesse Hildrich of Leverett, int., Oct. 15, 1827.
FLAGG, Barney of Barre, and Susanna Comee, Feb. 23, 1813.
Eliza and Asa Spooner of Greenwich, June 2, 1830.
Joshua, Rev. late of Leominster, and Betsey Comee, Dec. 30,
1802. Joshua of Heath, and Fidelia F. White, Oct. 31, 1832. Joshua, widr., s. of Josiah and Hannah, b. in Worcester, a. 74 y.,
and Ruth Cooley of Greenwich, d. of Ezeriah and ,
b. in Greenwich, a. 58 y. [No date. Registered, Sept.
10, 1847.]*
FORSTER (see Foster), Betsy and Jason Clark of Chardon,
O., Mar. 5, 1818. Deborah and Joseph Felton, Dec. 30, 1819. Elisha and Emelia Parmenter of Petersham, int.. May 11, 1812. Italy and Sophronia Johnson, May 30, 1826.
FOSTER (see Forster), Abigail and Abijah Sibley, Mar. 14,
1815. Hannah and